Pack Four-Post Lifts Series 2 Greenlight 1:64
Pictures: Greenlight
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Scale 1:64
Manufacturer: Greenlight
Manufacture: Metal alloy with plastic interiors.
The pack is made up of 6 units. 2 of each reference
16120-A - 1:64 Auto Body Shop - Four-Post Lifts Series 2 - STP Solid Pack x2
16120-B - 1:64 Auto Body Shop - Four-Post Lifts Series 2 - Texaco Solid Pack x2
16120-C - 1:64 Auto Body Shop - Four-Post Lifts Series 2 - Union 76 Solid Pack x2
- Box: 6 pieces
There is no mínimum order quatity - Scale: 1/64
- Manufacturer: Greenlight
- Type of vehicle: Workshop tools
- Limited Edition: no
- Packaging:
- Age: Age 14+
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