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logotipo de la películaGone in Sixty Seconds

Gone in 60 Seconds is a 2000 American action heist film starring Nicolas Cage, Angelina Jolie, Giovanni Ribisi, Christopher Eccleston, Robert Duvall, Vinnie Jones, and Will Patton. The film was directed by Dominic Sena, written by Scott Rosenberg, and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. The film is a loose remake of the 1974 H.B. Halicki film of the same name. In the film, the protagonist Randall "Memphis" Raines has left behind his murky past. When they inform that his brother is in danger, to save him he is forced to steal cars: 50 cars and a contract. Motoring fanatic, Memphis is a legend in the underworld of stealing cars. No lock can resist, no alarm. But on his way he will cross a Mustang Eleanor. watch movie trailer

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