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Thelma and Louise is a 1991 American road movie genre film conceived and written by Callie Khouri, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Geena Davis as Thelma and Susan Sarandon as Louise. Other interpreters are Harvey Keitel, in the role of a detective investigating the crimes of the two fugitives; Michael Madsen, as Louise's boyfriend; Christopher McDonald, as Thelma's husband; and Brad Pitt (in his first major role in Hollywood), as the thief who cheats on the two women. The film won an Oscar in 1991 for Best Original Screenplay. The story was on the verge of not seeing the light, since its script aroused a significant mistrust among a good number of producers and directors.1 Mainly, it was the theme addressed that it cost the studios to accept, in particular, the anthological scene ending that contrasted with the classic Hollywood happy ending. Even when it was released, the film generated intense controversy in the United States, basically because it showed two heroines who responded with weapons to sexist violence.2 However, the film, located at the intersection of several cinematographic genres, is today considered a classic that has come to influence other films and works of art and has become a landmark of the feminist movement
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