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purchase warranty

We attend telephone consultations from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

We ask you to channel your queries through our email info@pika.es
All the products offered in our store are guaranteed against breakages or damages occurred in the transportation process or obvious manufacturing defects and, where appropriate, by the one granted by each manufacturer or by current legislation. We make a special effort to ensure that our products have the support of recognized manufacturers and a high level of quality as well as a careful packaging process to the maximum.
The guarantee is made effective through the refund of the amount paid or the replacement of the model, although the latter is not always possible since it depends on the availability of units at each moment or the type of defect presented by the model.

Return guarantee
Before making such return, the customer must contact our sales department within the deadline indicated by email, phone or fax where the return process will be indicated. Any return without this prior notification will not be admitted. To be able to accept the return must be both the product and its packaging in perfect condition, without scratches or broken or damaged packaging and including all documentation accompanying the product and its accessories. The customer must make a proper packaging to ensure transport without damage. Once received and verified by our staff that the product is in the same state in which it was sent, the amount will be refunded in accordance with the agreement previously agreed with the client.

Additional conditions
Pika.es reserves the right to process orders that are made through its website. Having placed an order does not imply acceptance of it, in part or in its entirety. Pika.es can cancel the client's account and the order completed unilaterally.
The prices indicated are valid except for errors or omissions and do not imply any contractual obligation on the part of Pika.es. In case there is a price variation upwards, derived from an error, it will be communicated to the client before placing the order for it to be approved.
The photographs of the models shown on our website as well as the information shown in the file of each article are merely informative and do not imply any contractual obligation on the part of Pika.es. If you If you detect any error, please inform us in order to correct it.



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