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Lot The Hobby Shop Series 15 Greenlight 1:64

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The Hobby Shop Series 15 - LOT OF 6 UNITS

This series is made up of 6 different models, delivered in a cardboard box that includes a unit of each model.
Presentation: Each model presents a sealed blister with thematic image.
Manufacturer: Greenlight
Manufacture: Metal alloy with plastic interiors.

The inside of the package may contain a Greenmachine model.

97150A Chevrolet Bel Air with Vintage Gas Pump(1963) Greenlight 1/64
97150B Chevrolet Impala Capitol Cab Taxi with Man in Suit(1981) Greenlight 1/64
97150C Dodge Diplomat with Woman in Dress(1983) Greenlight 1/64
97150D Dodge Ram Power Ram 250 with Backpacker (1993) Greenlight 1/64
97150E Shelby GT500 #68 - OPTIMA Ultimate Street Car Invitational with Race Car Driver (2010) Greenlight 1/64
97150F Ford F-150 XLT - U.S. Customs and Border Protection (2018) 1/64

  • Packaging6 Carton Box
  • Category: Greenlight The Hobby Shop
  • Size: Car at 1/64 - 5 - 7 cm long
  • Type of vehicle:
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