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Vanishing Point 1971 USA

Film from the movie road genre, filmed in 1971, was directed by Richard Sarafian and starred by Barry Newman, Cleavon Little and Dean Jagger, includes a social commentary from the Woodstock Festival and is one of the first films with an original soundtrack of rock music. In the soundtrack artists like Delaney & Bonnie & Friends, Bobby Doyle, Big Mama Thornton, Jerry Reed, Mountain and others take part. This film has become a cult film and its soundtrack is placed in the pop iconography along with those of Easy Rider and Zabriskie Point. Newman, who plays the role of Kowalski (his first name is not revealed in the film), a veteran of the Vietnam War, bet that he is capable of driving a white 1969 Dodge Challenger car from Denver, Colorado to San Francisco, California, touring the southwestern United States in just 15 hours. You will also have to deal with problems with the police.                               Movie trailer

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